I have been inspired by the number of summer reading lists that have come out in the last couple of weeks, so I thought I would add to the noise by adding my own books.
The following have been used as part of my consortium development work and as you read them, you will see some of the concepts that we have been applying.
If you click the titles, it would provide the details for the books .. and I do not get commission from chapters….
Please let me know your thoughts and if you have any questions.
Thanks Scott
Creating Great Choices – I have incorporated Roger Martin’s integrative problem solving and design thinking model in the problem solving models used by the consortium . I have also incorporated the thinking in our approach to culture change. The conflict model has been very helpful with our Lean Thinking for Knowledge Work ( Advanced Value Stream Mapping Facilitator ) training.
The Achievement Habit – My first introduction to Design Thinking. This is a read for those that want to ‘do’ rather than just ‘plan to do’. It also has my all-time favourite title to a chapter … Reason are Bulls**t .. something to live by.
Team of Teams – Teams work is how our organization’s excel. The author is a retired US Army General who lead an engagement team in Iraq. Through stories, he walks through how he changed how US agencies work together to become more agile and effective. It has some excellent examples of how we can build the same thinking in our own organizations. Fans of Taylorism beware. If you are a keener, you can read the follow-up book One Mission as it provides more details on deployment of the thinking.
Mindset – This one could be a game changer for some of us. It explores the concept of Close vs. Open Mindset. I had a few personal revelations when I read it.
Creating a Lean Culture – A classic and a fundamental read on Management Systems. Thanks to David for providing the core thinking that we used to build our Organizational System Thinking Model |